Title: The Real Me Author: Cha Rated: PG Written: April 2002 E-Mail: animeniacx2713@yahoo.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
»Okay, well this is a Gundam Wing story... the narrator would be Heero. And, if you haven't figured it out, it's about him. I'll try to explain it without giving the story away. Well, Heero has always been the tough guy without any feeling... actually, him and Trowa are (or to me they are). But this story is what could be going on that we don't know about. This has no yoai, aight, so deal with it.
*Disclaimer: I am disclaiming. Disclaim, disclaim, disclaim. Dis claim I have on Gundam Wing is false. But dat claim I have on Gundam X is true. Am I making any sense to you?
Chapter One: Self Destruction
'This is it,' I thought to myself as I shot all the enemy mechas around me. 'I've finally won. Mission accomplished.' And as those words echoed in my mind, I shot the last enemy mecha and it exploded into a fiery ball. I didn't even hesitate to make my next move. I reached down for the switch in my Gundam marked 'Self Destruction.' The next moments became blank in my mind.
'It's so bright,' I thought as I opened my eyes. 'Where am I?' I was in a room with antique-type decorations and there was a lady that parted the white curtains with gold flower designs on them, letting the sun shine through the clear window. 'The sun... I'm not on a colony. I'm on earth... but how did I get here?'
"Son, get up. You're going to be late for school. Relena is already outside waiting for you," the lady said, apparently, to me.
'Son? Was this my mother? Was I dead? Or was I dreaming?'
She came over to me. "Up, out of bed," she said as she gently pushed at me to get off the bed. As soon as I got up, she began to fix the bed. I stood there in confusion, but I didn't let it show on my face. "What are you just standing there for? Jeeves ironed your clothes already, so you don't have to worry about doing it yourself. It's over in your closet. I swear, Heero, if you just didn't watch those horror flicks last night, then you wouldn't have fallen asleep so late!"
I stared in wonder at her, and I guess she noticed. She stopped trying to fix up the bed and looked into my eyes in utter confusion, as much of that feeling as I had. But, I knew I was standing there too long for anyone's comfort, so I walked towards the closet and got what looked like it would be a uniform. I changed into them and walked down the stairs. The house was majestic; it seemed more like it should have been a mansion. If I wasn't careful, I would get myself lost in this labyrinth.
When I got down, there was a guy that looked like a butler that said, "Here's your lunch, sir," to me. I then guessed he was the butler, as he handed me a brown sack.
I took one more look at him before I headed out the door, which I suppose wasn't such a good idea because when I got out and turned around, the next thing that was happening was someone's lips were on my own.
She stepped back and noticed the look on my face. "What's wrong?" she asked me.
"Oh... uh... nothing. Nothing at all," I replied. My voice sounded strange to me, even though it was the same one I had been hearing. There was something different about it, though. It seemed to be in a happier tone than when I had last heard it.
She took my hand and we began to walk, which I though was a lucky break because I would have never found my way to that school by myself.
"Isn't it such a lovely day?" she asked.
"Yes... it is," I suddenly caught myself say. It was all strange to me. If someone had asked me that question before, I would have looked at them like they were some sort of freak. All the destruction going on in the world and they said that it was a beautiful day. But this place was so peaceful that all of those worries seemed to go away.
She suddenly stopped and looked at me. "You're so quiet, Heero. Are you sure that there's nothing wrong?"
"No. I'm just tired. I didn't get enough sleep last night," I answered. I guess she was satisfied with that because the smile flew back across her face and she started walking again.
"Do you want to go to the lake after school?" she asked.
I didn't know what to answer. I wasn't sure if that was a good idea... I had to figure out what was happening before that could be arranged. "Relena," she looked at me when I said her name, but I knew that that was it, "I'm not sure. You know... homework and everything."
Her face saddened as she nodded a little. She let go of my hand as we walked up the stairs into a huge building that was marked "Stardust High School". There were tons of kids rushing past and running to get to their classes. I realized I didn't what class I should go to as well as which locker was mine.
Relena looked at me, "Heero, please tell me what's wrong. I can't take this... this silence from you. Is it another girl? Do you have another girlfriend?"
I suddenly got the feeling that this me she knew wasn't the same me I knew. I was silent? This seemed like one of those days that I talked more than usual, and she was calling me silent?! But there was something about her that didn't make me want to lie to her... something that wouldn't let me hurt her. I knew her from before this moment as a strong-willed person that just wouldn't let me go on with my missions because she always wanted peace. Relena Peacecraft, the daughter of a pacifist and one herself.
I hesitated but I gathered up my breath to ask, "Where am I? Who am I? Who are you?"